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Let's F*ckin Change the World

Yesterday I went to a small, but impactful event in support of a new politcal party called the Humane Party. With this party we hope to change the world by integrating an ethical, vegan individual in the presidential office. The current candidate is Clifton Roberts.

"The Humane Party is a political party in the United States of America. We are committed to rights for all animals—not just the human kind."

Now before you freak out and say some ridiculous comment about how this would never work, I ask you to think about something. Take a small seed for example, it is smaller than your fingernail and then it is burried down deep in the earth, but with time, that same seed can grow into a gigantic tree. I am asking that we, as innately compassionate, and ethical people, that we have patience like that of a seed buried in the dark. We will grow and we will spread the important message that all beings, both man and animal, can live in peace and we can live in Unity.

Speaking of Unity (notice it's capitalized) I had the privilege of meeting Shaun Monson who is the incredible filmaker behind the extremely powerful films Earthlings and Unity. Shaun along with Nathan, co-founder of Mercy For Animals were in attendance at this gathering. I am so happy that they both came along.

To tell you the truth, I have been feeling completely powerless and lost. I have felt hopelessness to such an extreme that I spent days crying and feeling like I can't make a difference or do anything to better this world. However, after cleansing and wearing my chakra necklace and attendinng the Humane Party event, I have now been reinvigorated and uplifted and I want to make a F*cking difference!! I am so thankful that I met those amazing vegan men because they really helped me see why I am still here and why I need to continue to fight for what is morally right.

How can one single person make a difference? What if I don't have the means to make a documentary? What if I live in an apartment and I can't rescue multiple animals of all species? What if I can't volunteer my time at shelters because I am a working stiff? All these questions of "I can't" and "What it" and "I'm just one person, what can one person do" are all really poor excuses, that even I myself have made. BUT, we the people are extremely powerful! Guess why?


We need to use our voice.

The way we use our voice is via social media: avenues like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Vine, and Periscope. We use our voice by verbally telling our family members and friends about the injustices of the world. We don't have to be so forward and blatant; however, we should never be silent. I am considered a vegan bitch because I am never silent and I will never be. Recently my friend sent me an image of a coat that she wanted to buy and I took one look at it and told her "NO!" because the coat was made from geese feathers, otherwise known as 'down'. I explained to her what the process was to produce down feathers for blankets, pillows, and coats and she listened to me and didn't buy the item. Spreading the message to everyone is so important. If we are silent we become passive bystanders and allow blood to spill.

Anyway, back on track. I am now invigorated to make a difference and I stand behind the Humane Party because I do truly believe that the only way we as an entire human species can live peacefully is to end the way we have been living our lives for the past hundreds of years. We will make a difference. So many people are waking up and accepting the challenge.

There once was a time when there were human slaves, when women couldn't vote, when the LGBT community couldn't marry, when humans were in the holocaust. I would like to say in the near future... there once was a time when animals were abused, tortured, slaughtered, and then eaten, and I am so glad we are no longer ignorant on that matter.

>>> more to come on how and why living vegan is important for global peace and protection of the planet

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